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Cod 4 mod codes + Tutorial (ps3 only)

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Cod 4 mod codes + Tutorial (ps3 only) Empty Cod 4 mod codes + Tutorial (ps3 only)

Post by eskilmn Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:45 pm

Things you need:

Memory stick atleast 10 kb Smile
Ps3-no jailbreak needed
Cod 4 game
(if u want to play online with these mods i would recommend patchblocker) just search google
Understanding for my bad english Smile i´m from sweden 14 years old.
Codes (At the bottom)

1. Ok so first thing you won´t to do is plug your memory stick in your ps3 then go to Save data utility and select cod 4, press triangle and select copy choose your usb device and let it copy.
2. When finished with step 1, take your usb to your computer plug it in and open folder named ps3, select it then press SAVEDATA and then press BLES00148-AUTO can variate for different users, when u have pressed that you should see: GPAD0_CM, ICONO,PARAM,GPAD0_MP and another PARAM. right click on GPAD0_CM and choose open with.....notepad when u have got up the window of the notepad press ctrl + a and then delete everything then save same to the GPAD0_MP
3. copy the links at the bottom and paste at the right GPAD0. ex GPAD0_CM --> GPAD0_CM.........
4. safely remove your usb and plug back into ps3 and select Save data utility and press the usb device and then it should say Cod 4 and then copy.
5. if u have the 1.40 patch remove it..... Go to game data utility and go to cod 4 remove it then u are done
6. be sure to have internet on
7. start the game
8. when it say u have to install 1.40 patch just press circle or if ur using patchblocker u don´t have to worry, then go on and it will probably ask u for 1.40 patch again just press circle, when in game press multiplayer.
9. DON´T press play online yet you have to wait 10-15 seconds for the mod to go on.
10. press play online if ur using patchblocker u can play online or else, when it says u have to install 1.40 patch just press circle and go back and press split screen then push join and start game, in some mods u have to exit game then start it again for it to work.

Mod Menu 1

set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"


set playlist "7"
set clanName "^4XP"
set cg_drawShellshock "0"
set melee "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.0"
set motd "^4 X-_NoScOpEzs_-X Is Codes are good"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_B "g_gametype sd"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "timescale 20.0"
bind BUTTON_X "god ; give radar_mp"
bind DPAD_DOWN "kick all ; say ^5 You Just got kicked"
bind DPAD_UP "noclip ; say ^1Noclip is fun!!"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_sd_numlives 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_sd_timelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 0; give all; scr_xpscale 100 ; timescale 1.0 ;say ^6Take turns to kill each other till we're both lvl 14"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "fast_restart ; scr_xpscale 3000"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "set scr_dm_timelimit 1 ; say ^Theres now a time limit"

Zombie mod


set gpad_buttonsConfig a
set a vstr a1
set a1 "bind button_RTRIG toggle r_specularmap 2 0;^1Press^7Chrome^0$1000;set a vstr b"
set b "bind button_RTRIG noclip;^1Press^7ToFly^1$1000;set a vstr c"
set c "bind button_RTRIG r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2;^1Press^7Thermal^0$1000;set a vstr d"
set d "bind button_RTRIG toggle cg_fov 80 65;^1Press^7ProMod^0$1000;set a vstr a1"
bind button_lstick "+sprint;g_teamicon_allies weapon_desert_eagle_gold;g_teamicon_axis specialty_armorvest;g_teamname_allies ^4Humans;g_teamname_axis ^1ZOMBIES;g_scorescolor_allies 0 0 1;g_scorescolor_axis 1 0 0"
set loc_warnings 0
set loc_warningsAsErrors 0
set cg_drawCrosshair 0
set ammocounterhide 0
set player_sprintForwardMinimum 105
set player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale 0.667
set jump_height 78


set 1 vstr 11
set 11 "bind button_RTRIG give MP5_mp;^2Press^^3MP5^1$100;set 1 vstr 2"
set 2 "bind button_RTRIG give M4_mp;^2Press^3Rifle^1$100;set 1 vstr 3"
set 3 "bind button_RTRIG give M40A3_mp;^2Press^^3Sniper^2$100;set 1 vstr 4"
set 4 "bind button_RTRIG give rpd_mp;^2Press^2LMG^1$200;set 1 vstr 5"
set 6 "bind button_RTRIG give radar_mp;^2Press^3UAV^1$500;set 1 vstr 11"
set 5 "bind button_RTRIG give m1014_mp;^2Press^0^5ShotGUN^2$750;set 1 vstr 6"
bind button_back "bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_right give ammo;give colt45_mp;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1 2 1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 2 1;^3You_are_Human_^3For_Now;^5Press_Up_For_Store"
bind button_LTRIG "bind dpad_down vstr a;give defaultweapon_mp;take ammo;filmtweakLighttint 1 2 1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 2 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 0 0;^1You're_A_Zombie!;^5Press_down_for_store"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set 11 "bind button_x toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;^5Slow;bind dpad_down vstr 12"
set 12 "bind button_x toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;^6Fast;bind dpad_down vstr 13"
set 13 "bind button_x noclip;^1NoClip;bind dpad_down vstr 14"
set 14 "bind button_x toggle g_gravity 800 100;^2Gravity;bind dpad_down vstr 15"
set 15 "bind button_x toggle jump_height 999 42;toggle g_speed 999 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;^3Jump;bind dpad_down vstr 16"
set 16 "bind button_x scr_xpscale 250;^4L_XP;bind dpad_down vstr 17"
set 17 "bind button_x scr_xpscale 3000 100;^5H_XP;bind dpad_down vstr 18"
set 18 "bind button_x fast_restart;^6Restart;bind dpad_down vstr 19"
set 19 "bind button_x toggle r_specularmap 2 0;^1Chrome;bind dpad_down vstr 20"
set 20 "bind button_x toggle cg_drawfps 1;perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.01;cg_laserForceOn 1;player_meleeRange 999;^2Infections;bind dpad_down vstr 1"
bind button_LTRIG "say ^2i ^1am ^4a ^5beast"


set playlist "2"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set clanName "^4XP}"
bind dpad_down " vstr 1"
set 1 "bind button_x give Brick_blaster_mp;^1Brick;bind dpad_down vstr 2"
set 2 "bind button_x give defaultweapon_mp;^2Handgun;bind dpad_down vstr 3"
set 3 "bind button_x toggle aim_lockon_debug 1 0;^3AimBot;bind dpad_down vstr 4"
set 4 "bind button_x toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0;^4Ammo;bind dpad_down vstr 5"
set 5 "bind button_x cg_fov 100;^5ProMod;bind dpad_down vstr 6"
set 6 "bind button_x god;^6GodMode;bind dpad_down vstr 7"
set 7 "bind button_x setviewpos 1000 900 200;^1Teleport;bind dpad_down vstr 8"
set 8 "bind button_x toggle r_debugShader 1 0;^2Rainbow;bind dpad_down vstr 9"
set 9 "bind button_x toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;^33rdPerson;bind dpad_down vstr 10"
set 10 "bind button_x kick all;^4KickAll;bind dpad_down vstr 11"
bind button_RTRIG "say ^"

//Eskil. Psn: TheDuckIsAngry

Message me if u want more mods for cod 4

i can do everything unlocked for mw2 (split screen only)


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-03-24
Age : 26
Location : Gothenburg

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